䀹 | |
拼音 | jia |
基本解释 | 异体字
English(same as U+7728 眨) to wink; (same as U+776B 睫) eyelashes, having one eye smller than the other, joke; witticism; pleasantry; jest; fun; (Cant.) to peep at; to blink, wink |
注音 | ㄐ一ㄚˊ ㄕㄜˋ ㄐ一ㄝˊ |
部首 | 目 |
读音 | jiá shè jié |
笔划 | 12 |
结构 | 左右 |
常用字 | |
叠字 | |
五笔 | HDWW |