䌛 | |
拼音 | yao |
基本解释 | 异体字
English(same as 繇 徭 陶 謠 由 猶 悠 籀) entourage; aides; attendants, compulsory labor service, to make pottery or earthenware, happy, ballad; folk song, rumor, through; via; by way of, like; similar to, still; yet, far, sad, soft; slow, to deduce (interchangeable 搖 遙 傜) |
注音 | 一ㄠˊ |
部首 | 糹 |
读音 | yáo |
笔划 | 18 |
结构 | 左右 |
常用字 | |
叠字 | |
五笔 | QYTI |