卐 | |
拼音 | wan |
基本解释 | 基本字义卐 ⒈ 古代印度宗教的吉祥标志。显现金光,如来佛胸前有卐字。中国唐代武则天定音为“万”。义为“吉祥万德之所集”。佛经中又写作“卍”。 异体字
Englishswastika, one of the auspicious signs recognized (e.g. in Chinese Tathagata Buddhism) as being on the chest of Buddha (and variously seen in statuary on the chest, soles of the feet, or palms of the hands) |
注音 | ㄨㄢˋ |
部首 | 十 |
读音 | wàn |
笔划 | 4 |
结构 | 单一 |
常用字 | |
叠字 | |
五笔 | NGHG |